Wednesday, September 30, 2015

For such a Time as this

We live in a tumultuous time. We all know it. Many fear it. It is an uncertain time. Daily news has become an apocalyptic tale of evil that seems to reign supreme all around us. Death is everywhere. Violence is everywhere. Lewd and lascivious behavior is everywhere. We build bunkers and hoard canned food as if the end of all is right around the corner and maybe it is. I don't know. But I can't help but wonder, what if we are focused on the wrong things. If the end really is near, shouldn't we, as Christians, be more worried about lost souls than our pantry. Don't get me wrong, preparedness is great but we are talking about the eternal life of others.
This isn't the first time in the history of the world that we have faced great evil. All of life is, in some way, a battle between good and evil. As a nation we have historically fought for what is right and good. But as our definitions have become skewed, the battle has changed.  We have gotten complacent because for many years we didn't have to fight so hard. We were satisfied in our church pews while letting the world run amok outside around us. And that has seemed to work, right? Live and let live. Compromise. Just get along. Right? That will bring peace to the nations, right? Well I think we now see what result has come from that battle plan. Evil is now breaking down the doors of our churches. A confused nation spiraling out of control because of corrupt leadership and the lack of a national moral compass. The time for compromise is over. The attitude of live and let live is done. Our "rights and freedoms" are now infringing on the rights and freedoms of others. That in and of itself leads to chaos and that is exactly what we have.
Knowing all of that I have begun to pray that God will show me what He is calling me to during this season. I feel pulled in so many ways. It is so difficult sometimes to balance the front line fighting with love and compassion. It is easy to forget that our enemy is not any other human, our enemy is Satan. It is impossible for us to fight him in the flesh and it is IMPOSSIBLE to fight him without JESUS. I am reminded of Esther and the journey God called her to. She was an orphan. Nothing about her seemed royal yet God supernaturally after months of preparation, caused her to become queen. God used her to save a nation. There is no possible way she would have accomplished that without God. Now we may not be called to royalty or power but we are all called by God. Our calling is as unique as we are and yes, like Esther, God has called us to be aware of what is going on in our government and to speak up when we see injustice. I don't know what your calling is but as sure as I am breathing, we all have one.  I know for sure that none of us are called to complacency and compromise. Gods word is the same today as it always have been. It breaks my heart to see where we are as a nation, but it takes more than a broken heart to make a difference. We must stop believing that to be a good Christian we have to be quiet. We must stand. Not in our own power but in the power of Christ who calls us.

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